Community Health
Stay connected with the news and developments about the new strain of coronavirus and how it effects our business operations. Importantly it has drawn in our focus on good hygiene practices and how we all have a role to play in community health.
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Where can I find more information regarding COVID-19?

What measures do you have in place?

As part of our regular hygiene practices we regularly clean and sanitise the facility, equipment, bathrooms. We have significantly increased our cleaning schedule, have added additional hand sanitizing stations, signage around appropriate hand hygiene and encourage our members to stay home and utilise our make up policy if they are experiencing any cold or flu like symptoms. We are more than happy to extend make-ups tokens until a convenient time.

What have Peninsula Gymnastics been doing to minimise spreading germs?

We have put in place the following steps to help minimise the risk of spreading any germs, including colds, flus and the potential of COVID-19:

  • Additional signage has been posted in regards to good hygiene practices, to keep these things front of mind. All bathrooms have posters with correct hand washing techniques.

  •  Additional hand sanitisation stations have been purchased and placed on the walls for easy access.

  • As we always have, we are actively taking steps to ensure the venue, equipment and hand apparatus are cleaned daily. High traffic areas like the foyer and KinderGym mat are being cleaned hourly.

  • The staff have access to cleaning products at all times and we engage a professional cleaning service for deep cleaning.

  • Coaches are being encouraged to wash their hands often with soap and water, and hand sanitiser is accessible to them out in the equipment area.

  • We encourage families using our facility to wash / sanitize their hands on the way into and out of the venue.

  • Close contact with others is to be kept to the minimum required for safety.

  • As always, if an athlete or coach is feeling unwell or presenting symptoms of illness they should not attend classes or the facility.

How do you keep the gym clean?

We use commercial grade disinfectants on our hard surfaces and frequently clean high traffic areas like door handles and taps. 

What can I do to stop the spread of germs?

  • Assist in educating your children on correct hand washing behaviours (see attached PDF) The wiggles have a fun little hand washing song for the younger ones in our community and is goes for just over 20 seconds, the ideal length for hand washing

  • Wash or sanitize your hands on arrival, during your time with us and on departure from our facility

  • Encourage children to sneeze or cough into a tissue and place it immediately into a bin, then wash their hands thoroughly. When a tissue is not available encourage them to cough or sneeze into their elbow.

  • Do not attend our facility if you have any cold or flu symptoms. Utilise our make up policy.