Virtual Lessons

FreeG Virtual Lesson – Ninja (Lesson 3/3)

We can feel the excitement building around Ninja this year, and know how much your primary school kiddies want to get out and moving (like like our Peninja’s) so Ninja Charlie has put together a lesson to help build up to some of his favourite Ninja Tricks!
Over the next three weeks we hope to prepare your kids for some awesome FreeG / Ninja skills that they can continue to progress in the playground of warriors when we return!
Safety First:
– If you have not practised these drills with us at the gym before, or are not confident in performing these skills we recommend waiting until you return to our FreeG classes
– Clear area of all objects & furniture not required during the class – Keeping clear of any permanent furniture or windows
– Modifications should be made to suit individual needs
– Parent supervision required
We would love to see the fun your having at home with our Virtual Lessons so feel free to tag us through social media platforms

FreeG Virtual Lesson – Ninja (Lesson 2/3)

We can feel the excitement building around Ninja this year, and know how much your primary school kiddies want to get out and moving (like like our Peninja’s) so Ninja Charlie has put together a lesson to help build up to some of his favourite Ninja Tricks!
Over the next three weeks we hope to prepare your kids for some awesome FreeG / Ninja skills that they can continue to progress in the playground of warriors when we return!
Safety First:
– If you have not practised these drills with us at the gym before, or are not confident in performing these skills we recommend waiting until you return to our FreeG classes
– Clear area of all objects & furniture not required during the class – Keeping clear of any permanent furniture or windows
– Modifications should be made to suit individual needs
– Parent supervision required
We would love to see the fun your having at home with our Virtual Lessons so feel free to tag us through social media platforms

FreeG Virtual Lesson – Ninja (Lesson 1/3)

We can feel the excitement building around Ninja this year, and know how much your primary school kiddies want to get out and moving (like like our Peninja’s) so Ninja Charlie has put together a lesson to help build up to some of his favourite Ninja Tricks!
Over the next three weeks we hope to prepare your kids for some awesome FreeG / Ninja skills that they can continue to progress in the playground of warriors when we return!
Safety First:
– If you have not practised these drills with us at the gym before, or are not confident in performing these skills we recommend waiting until you return to our FreeG classes
– Clear area of all objects & furniture not required during the class – Keeping clear of any permanent furniture or windows
– Modifications should be made to suit individual needs
– Parent supervision required
We would love to see the fun your having at home with our Virtual Lessons so feel free to tag us through social media platforms

FreeG Virtual Lesson – Speed Vaults

Today Coach Charlie talks us through the progressions we need to help with a successful speed vault.

The purpose of our speed vault is to get from ‘Point A’ to ‘Point B’ in the fastest / most efficient time possible.

The equipment we have used is 2 small stools (at hip height) with soft padding around the stool, it’s the ideal height and object for beginners.

Safety First:
– If you have not practised these drills with us at the gym before, or are not confident in performing this skill we recommend waiting until you return to our free g classes
– Clear area of all objects & furniture
– Keeping clear of any permanent furniture or windows
– Modifications should be made to suit individual needs
– Parent supervision required

We would love to see the fun your having at home with our FreeG lessons so feel free to tag us through social media platforms!

FreeG Virtual Lesson – Precision Jumps

From big screen to little screen, Coach Charlie takes us through what we need for a good, accurate, precision jump.

Our warm up/conditioning circuit will help build and strengthen the correct muscle groups that we will be using in our 5 activities. The Precision Jump lesson has been developed to help with accuracy and precision as you jump from one marker to another.

Be sure to have 5 markers (something to land on or next to – make sure they aren’t slippery), blue tack, and some sort of small heigh or soft couch cushion.

Safety First:
– Clear area of all objects & furniture
– Keeping clear of any permanent furniture or windows
– Modifications should be made to suit individual needs
– Parent supervision required

We would love to see the fun your having at home with our free g lessons so feel free to tag us through social media platforms!